These past few weeks have been all about relationships for me - friendships, family, romantic - you name it and its been laser-beamed focused on this July. And there is a reason for that- Venus, the planet concerned with love, relationships, security and home is moving into its retrograde cycle. Being a double Taurus , Venus is also a HUGE influence on me , personally, so there seems to be a bit of a double whammy lately.
So what does it mean 'Venus in Retrograde'? Every planet, at some point in its cycle -relative to our Earth- will appear to begin a backward motion. Of course- its not REALLY moving backwards- its an illusion based on where it is relative to where we are. However, because we view it as so the energies of that planet get a bit screwy (remembering that "Perception Is Reality" and "That Which Is Above Reflects That Which Is Below" and vice versa). Being that Venus is the planet ruling Love, Relationships, Home, Security and Sensuality these particular energies will be the focus - but with a karmic kick to it all.
When a planet goes retrograde it is an opportunity for us to go back as well and see what we missed or messed up the first time around. Regarding Venus we get a chance to check in on our personal relationships- are they healthy? are we holding on too tightly (security)? are we fully engaged or standing off to the side? are we viewing our relationships honestly or seeing things and people as we would like them to be? (a big one for me!) These energies will go into play whether or not you're a follower of astrology or planetary energies, but being aware of it all will allow a huge amount of growth and a lessening of painful karmic kicks. To know is power, to do is empowering..
So- going back to the dates for this retrograde, if it actually begins on July 25 why am I feeling the energies before that? Are you as well? There are a few reasons for this -
1.) Awareness. If you are a follower of Astrology and live closely aligned to planetary energies you will be more open and aware of the regular cycles. The Moon is a great example - many people- myself included - can 'feel' the moon's upcoming changes before its physically at that point. Often times emergency workers like police, hospital workers, and EMTs will feel a full moon coming on before the moon is actually full - same goes for the planets and their cycles. Awareness increased the ability to connect to the movements and cycles
2.) There is work to be done! Retrograde cycles have a karmic aspect and the more work that needs to be done relative that planet's ruling energies the more intense the cycle will feel. Its important to see these times as opportunities for growth and nourishment rather than cosmic punishments.
3.) The planet(s) in retrograde are key aspects in your natal chart. Using myself as an example Venus in retrograde is a potent time for me in that the planet factors into so many aspects of my chart - both my sun and moon signs are Taurus which is ruled by Venus. Another well known retrograde is Mercury. I have found that the energies of that retrograde aren't as intense for me as Mercury is Retrograde in my Ascendant at the time of my birth- its a natural place for me :-)
For the next several weeks - 6 in fact, we are being a gift by the Cosmos. We are being provided with a rare chance to reevaluate our relationships and the chance to make some amazing new ones.
Will you heed the call of the planets?
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