Lake Michigan Shoreline

Lake Michigan Shoreline
original art by Annie Russell

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Harvesting of Magic

Its Harvest time here in Northern Michigan - strawberries have come and gone and now we're into tomatoes, herbs, blueberries and raspberries. Our growing season is short and our winters are long so many years ago I learned to preserve and freeze all that I could so that some of the bounty of the summer (and vitamins !) were available to my family in the dark winter months.
  My interest in magic and alternative beliefs actually began with a small herb garden and the gift of a book from a neighbor I hardly knew - Scott Cunningham's Magical Herbalism. In Pagan circles many people speak of tomes by Gerald Gardner or Doreen Valiente as having started them down the Witchy path. This well worn humble book on the energies and healing powers of herbs is what changed my life-literally on all levels. 
 So what does this have to do with the harvest? with magic? Well, if you know me - or read me- you already know that my philosophy is that EVERYTHING is magic. Many younger folks new to magical thinking get tied up with the idea that magic must be ceremonial- robes must be donned, incense must be lit, incantations chanted and candles in appropriate colors must flicker from an elaborate altar. And that is all fine and well and kind of fun at times. But its not necessary. Magic is Nature and Nature is Magic. Its as simple and as complex as a forest glade or a sandy beach.

 Here is my 'spell' (recipe) for
 Health and Abundance--
To your household blender add:
*3 large fresh basil leaves ( wealth and prosperity as well as cleansing)
*1 banana (abundance and health)
*1 handful of fresh blueberries (protection and healing)
*1 handful of fresh parsley leaves ( love, protection, purification, abundance)

Then add 
*Organic Apple Juice (about 1 cup)
*Organic Greek Yogurt (about 1/2 cup)
 *Ice cubes

Place the lid on the blender and turn it on to 'blend' -- you will notice that the blender turns in a clock-wise ('deosil') movement . This energy is to Increase - you are increasing the abundant and healthy energies of the ingredients within. 

When the contents are fully blended pour into a glass, visualize all of the magical energies combined for your highest good and drink up! 

I like to enjoy my smoothie-potions fresh but I also make baggies of the fruit and herb ingredients and freeze for single servings after the harvest is done.

So there you have it - Harvesting Magic , no wand required :-) 

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