Lake Michigan Shoreline

Lake Michigan Shoreline
original art by Annie Russell

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Catching My Breath...

... or trying to, anyway.

This summer has been a doozy. One momentous thing after another like giant waves crashing onto shore-- that is what it has felt like. One or two waves are invigorating and beautiful -- one after the other after the other are exhausting and at times scary. Its not that the waves aren't beautiful but when they crash onto and over you with no let up there's no way to step back and appreciate each one's beauty and magnificence. 
That is your visual for my summer. 

waves on the beach

Weddings, HUGE business days, painting large turtles, daughter and new son in law moving, son making plans to move,potential change in career paths (more on that at a later date), planning and arranging for time away, orders to create and ship, workshops to run,and two new puppies.
Each one of those things is fantastic -- really, no negatives. But there's just so much all at once I have been very overwhelmed and fighting panic attacks and anxiety on a level that I have not experienced in many many years. The worst part? The feeling of guilt at having anxiety attacks over POSITIVE things... 

Today I called a 'day off' for both concessions. For the young men who work for me it probably is a REAL day off- for me its a chance to get some long neglected chores done, prepare for a workshop tomorrow and get some banking done. I'm grateful for the opportunity to call my own schedule at times....
Thanks - to whoever reads this - for listening to me whine. Just one more month and this craziness will be put to sleep for another winter.

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