Lake Michigan Shoreline

Lake Michigan Shoreline
original art by Annie Russell

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Into the full swing of summer..

 Those of you that read this blog more than likely follow me on face book too so you already know that my daughter's wedding has come and gone now by a few weeks- it was stunning and beautiful and heartfelt and very much enjoyed by all 

Lisa & David Sargent
Lisa and her bridesmaids
David waits at the Gazebo with Kim (the officiant) for Lisa
Tables set in the garden at Rosecliff

The weather was perfect, the guests delightful and the Bride and Groom were luminous <3 

lake Michigan sunset

The Monday after the wedding I opened the Beach House for the third summer and hit the ground running. Having opened a little later in the year than normal there was no slow time to get acclimated so we all just jumped in and got to it- its been crazy! 
 It is now 3 weeks after that and I am very tired... I finally went grocery shopping for the household - the first time since a few weeks before the wedding ! Living on fruit smoothies and cheese and crackers was getting old and I have not been feeling well so tonight I had a small piece of blackened whitefish from the lake, a salad of fresh picked bib lettuce, carrots, and blue cheese and some grapes. That and a two mile vigorous walk seems to have set me -physically- back to rights.
   I've been feeling lonely though - I'm terribly busy and have lots to do; I have my puppies waiting at home and I work with my son. But Jack has been working doubles for weeks on end at his job and it seems my friends all forget that I exist outside of face book/on line land. One of my best friends is moving to the East Coast in a few days and though we don't see much of each other now the text of 'I leave the 17th' seems somehow anti-climactic to a 20+ year friendship...
But I was saved in Olson's - of all places. An acquaintance stopped to chat about recipes and an upcoming art class and as I wheeled my buggy out from the store towards my car I was stopped by a friend who is one of our local florists. She and I chatted for about 10 minutes and it was so nice, though to her it was probably no big deal - just a part of the day. To me her chat and the one inside the store were like hugs from the Universe: "You Aren't Invisible" 
 Loughnasadh - The First Harvest -- is fast approaching and the turn of The Wheel reminds me to live consciously; to not fly through my day. To watch my beautiful Lady Lake and Her moods that I am so blessed to see every day. To enjoy the wonderful young adults who are our city's amazing Life Guards and my summer company for 3 years now. To putter in my gardens and harvest the lavender. To enjoy this summer- its over too quickly

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