Lake Michigan Shoreline

Lake Michigan Shoreline
original art by Annie Russell

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Dreaming - As Without So Within

Grand Haven Pier Lighthouse During a Storm

I dreamed early this morning - crazy vivid dream in amazing detail. 
  Tsunamis -- lots of them. Over and over again. My mother and brother and I had taken shelter in a library in Grand Haven Michigan , but we were sitting on old fashioned wooden church-style pews with another woman watching the waves get taller than the horizon. Fishing boats were caught and  tumbled over. Waves crashed over us though we were supposed to be inside of a library. I held onto the back of the pew as water swirled and threatened to take me into Lake Michigan. 
   The water receded-- rushed out into the lake- leaving amazing treasures on the bare lake bottom; sea glass and shiny stones. I couldn't find my brother and began calling for him. I saw  him standing in the sand where he grabbed an old fashioned Zippo lighter he had found (Our father had one all throughout our childhood) It still worked and I could smell that strange sweet smell of lighter fluid when he snapped it open. 
  Waves continued to crash and I retreated further inland. There were high schoolers from a sporting event  playing on the beach where boats from the marina had been thrown one on top of the other from the waves. They seemed unconcerned.  While I was watching them a shelf cloud come zipping across the sky -- I tried to take a picture of it with my phone because I had never seen one except on the news, but I couldn't focus on it and it receded before I could get a good photo of it. 
  I went back inside to a bed and breakfast type place that I had found after leaving the library and was looking at costumes to buy...
  A terrible headache woke me up at this point but I know the dream wasn't necessarily completed.

~~ HUGE amount of symbols here!! I think my subconscious was on steroids early this morning ~~

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