Lake Michigan Shoreline

Lake Michigan Shoreline
original art by Annie Russell

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The count down begins...

'Park Avenue Garden' available on my etsy store

So as of yesterday --May 27 -- we were exactly a month out from THE WEDDING. I see these words in bold type face and capitalized in my head so I typed them that way too *grin*...
Yes- June 27 is my daughter's 'big day' but when one does not elope then the 'big day' becomes *everyone's* big day and focus and that is where we are now...  The list is slowly being whittled down, though now I find I'm getting bogged down in silly details that I *know* won't matter in the end so I must jettison them today by a rigorous list-making session.

art  by

 Do you make lists? I am a firm believer in them! Without everything written down and starred by way of importance they jumble around in my head until everything becomes all but meaningless. 
The end result of this jumbling is me walking around wringing my hands with a 
'deer-caught-in-headlights ' look about me. Its not pretty... so today -WITHOUT FAIL - a master list will be made. *Firm Nod*

Yesterday I did accomplish a Biggie-- I found and purchased the dress that I will wear. I had one hanging in my closet that I thought I *might* wear and have been telling myself to try it on for well on a year now but I kept putting it off afraid I had gained weight and it would not fit and the world would stop spinning and the ice burgs would melt and all would be lost .... 
(see how my head works? Scary). 
But two nights ago I put it on. 
I had not gained (much) weight, the world continued to spin, the ice burgs are in no more danger than they were before and all was not lost.
But I hated it. ....

So it was off to the mall in Traverse City in search of a dress. This is harder than you might think due to the smallish stature of both myself and my budget but success was had at the holy land of TJ MAXX where a beautiful green Ralph Lauren was found in my size and just a smidge too long but nothing that a seamstress can't fix. And it was in my budget. And the sun shone, and choirs of angels sang, and all was right with the world for a little bit ....

But this morning I found I woke up feeling burdened and anxious and panicky so this month will not only be about lists and accomplishing those items on it but also about taking care of myself, eating right and getting exercise. Because no matter what the earth will continue to turn and the sun will rise and set on its schedule and weddings are beautiful and fun...


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