Lake Michigan Shoreline

Lake Michigan Shoreline
original art by Annie Russell

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Closing Time

'...Closing Time. Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning's End...'

 As of the 5th I am home and working my way into my Fall and Winter schedule; the change has been welcome but a little disorienting.

  The season ended quietly- Labor Day saw gorgeous weather but few people left in town and fewer yet on the beach. I paid the last of my summer workers for the season, sent her home to get ready for school the next day and began to clean up and ready The Beach House for its winter shut down.
   I am looking forward to a busy yet less crazed schedule; working on orders in my work room, fall color walks with Jack and the dogs and prepping for the trip to Nola....

  Right now we are painting the upstairs of the house a beautiful calming gray ahead of our daughter's Baby Shower on the 17th. I love the soothing vibe of this shade but am a little worried  that its 'soothing' and 'calm' may turn to 'depressing' and 'dark' come February. I'm hoping the pops of color from my art that will be hanging will dispel that. If not there's always repainting again lol...

  Yesterday I went to Traverse City with my sister in law to look for maternity clothes for my daughter. She's not going to need much since it looks like she'll do the majority of her 'showing' towards the very end of her pregnancy but she will need a few things. I am amazed at the price and total lack of selection for maternity clothes. What was available in a do-able price range was hideously ugly and old ladyish and what was decently stylish was ridiculously high priced. But I was able to find several cute Hippy Chic type shirts and a couple of pairs of pants. I still need to find her some leggings but those can be found locally.

  We also stopped at Micheal's craft store and I spent far too long ogling the isles of Halloween decor-- so much is available! I purchased none since we are not in a house that attracts Trick or Treaters anymore but maybe next year I can find fun things for my daughter's new family :-)
 What I did splurge on was some fabulous yarn for winter and fall projects. I'm currently working on a blanket with matching socks for my son for Christmas (I can post that here because I doubt he knows this blog exists, let alone reads it!) and I need to finish the second half of Aurora's baby shower gift (my soon to be grand daughter! That sounds so weird! LOL). I love working on my knitting looms in the evening; I can have mindless 'busy work' while we watch TV.. There is even a new etsy shop for some of my things HERE .. take a look when you get a minute.
 I also picked up a dozen or so paper mache' skulls to paint for Halloween-- Sugar Skulls and some more traditional wearing top hats for Baron Samedi. Those will more than likely go onto the Persephone's Folly Store HERE. I've been opting to separate the distinct styles and focus of the art so that each is more carefully curated and displayed... there are currently 3 etsy stores that showcase my different works now...

   So that is where I'm at now-- getting my feet under me for a simpler schedule, moving back into my Yoga routine and settling into Fall and Winter here in the north.
  How are YOU? If you read or follow regularly I would love to hear from you in the comments <3



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