Good morning!
Winter and its accompanying snow has finally arrived here in Northern Michigan- 8-9" projected this weekend with the Winter Storm that is moving through. Not too shabby given the very warm temps that this El Nino has bestowed upon us so far. That sunny pink house in the painting above? That is where we stay in New Orleans- Mr Elmo's located in the historic Treme neighborhood.
We arrived home from New Orleans on Dec 4 and immediately jumped into all of the December Holiday planning and prep; a trip to Marquette for our daughter's birthday, found and cut a tree, decorations, food shopping, furnace repair (ugh!) final gift shopping and the arrival of 3 additional family members and 3 dogs. And then a wind storm blew through like a freight train and knocked the power out for 3 days. So the newly repaired furnace didn't work, the menu planned around baking in an electric oven was shot and the pretty lights on the tree were dark. Our next 'must buy' in the large ticket arena? A generator!
The power did return and a nice by-product was that the joy of jigsaw puzzles was rediscovered (not by me- I sat and froze and complained) along with some very creative uses of a charcoal grill for cooking ham and potatoes.
And now New Years has passed and my friends in New Orleans are all in the swing of Carnival season; we were even gifted a King Cake by way of Rouses and Fed Ex ! I am up to my eyeballs in work for my New Orleans client but without any of the fun and pageantry -- ah well, I collect money without sending it out as quickly is how I console myself lol. The money made from Carnival orders will go towards a week on the beach in Clearwater Florida- Yay!
I hope you'll all bear with this rambling post that basically catches me up from the last entry -- be sure to check the page on this blog entitled November in New Orleans for additional entries. And as usual I will promise to be more regular in my writing (LOL!)....
I leave you with my latest painting- drawn in New Orleans but painted here in Michigan-
"St Louis Cathedral"
*both painting are available for sale on my etsy shop*
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