Charles Dickens wrote that and again: This author seemed to touch deeper truths with all of his works and words.
I said goodbye to my Tilly-cat at 11:10 am on December 17th. I've mourned the loss of many pets over the years but this time it has cut so deep that I'm sure I will bleed loneliness and heartache for many years to come. I physically hurt and keep walking into my studio to say hello to her but, of course, there's no answer. I feel her presence though, so I still talk to her like I did before she physically left.
I miss my Shadow, my Confidant, my Friend so very much and I wish I could have been more selfish and kept her with me a little while longer. She was ready to shed her illness-wracked body though,
and I owed it to her to do what she wanted and what was best for her. A dear friend says, "There is no good end to a good pet." I think she and Mr. Dickens would have gotten along well.
So, be joyous and pain-free now, my Tilly-cat; Queen of my studio, catcher (and sharer) of mice, and fierce holder of my heart. Go if you must, stay if you will - Hail and Fare Well.
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