Look at this- semi-regular blog posts! It's a Halloween Miracle!
Halloween morning dawned cold and clear but -as per usual- it's supposed to turn gusty and rainy later on for the Trick or Treaters. Jack and I will be helping to bundle up our Grand-Littles later this evening ahead of their being escorted throughout their neighborhood by their mom and dad. They're young yet so it will be a quick version of the event.
I dearly miss Halloweens of my childhood and then again of my children's childhood. Halloweens of my high school and college years must have been fairly uneventful because I don't wax nostalgic for those. I feel like I've spent the last dozen years or so trying to find new secular traditions that will echo those earlier ones but not with much luck. This season is also a highly spiritual one for me that has waxed and waned in practice over the years. Some years I am very elaborate and involved in the spiritual end of Samhain (click that to read about the holy day) and some years I am exceptionally basic in my observances. Strangely enough, the ebb and flow of that doesn't bother me as much as the loss of the secular events.
Today- on this Halloween- I am going to work on Book 3's manuscript and put dinner into the crockpot for later on. At the end of the day, I'll light a candle for Halloween's past and those that will be. Later in the week - at the appropriate astrological timing, I'll light more candles; these will bless and honor the Ancestors and Mighty Dead- those of my heart, those of my blood, and those both known and unknown to me.
'Tis the season...
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