I feel like I should write but there hasn't been anything amazingly new so I'll just blather on for those of you who read this..
Today is the last day for Persephone's Folly to be open for the Summer season. After today I will begin to redo the inside, adding some stock, taking away some stock, rearranging displays and just generally sprucing up. I will re-open in October for the Fall and Winter. The next summer is up in the air but my desire is to have it be reverted completely back to an online affair by April of 2021. The lease is up this time next year so its all a little wishy-washy right now with planning...
I'm chugging through the last few weeks of having the beach open while making plans for the Fall and Winter- its hard for me to have a foot in each space but this is my 'shoulder season' and with no planning I start Fall with a *thud*-I've learned this the hard way lol. So tentative plans continue; the shop (above), converting the garage into an apartment (BIG project that will likely take all Fall and Winter), getting The Changeling published and beginning book 2 in that series.
Covid issues continue to plaque the US with simple things like not gathering in groups and wearing a mask in public having morphed into political statements. Its atrocious and I would like nothing more than to rent a villa in a warm European country and wait out the pandemic and upcoming election but no country will let us in. Because masks... I really need to do an entire post on the pandemic up to now here in Northern Michigan but that will be a many hours long project - hours I don't have free right now. I began keeping a written journal on March 15th-it will be interesting to go back and read that...I'll share it here later in September.
2020 continues to be a full ride Crazy Train aside from Covid. There are two- yes two- hurricanes headed to The Gulf at the same time tracked right now to rake the west coast of FL then both hit New Orleans. So far they are lower Cats so that's good but the warm Gulf waters are hurricane batteries so it is very concerning.
An asteroid is on track to collide with earth in November just before the election. Yeah- an asteroid. Facebook memes have us playing a morbid Bingo game but I think the Jumaji comparison is more on track for this insanity.
For now, though, I keep my focus on my very small section of the world- the beach in front of my restaurant, my house, my family and my friends. To look for too long at the Bigger Picture is too much.
Here There Be Dragons
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