Lake Michigan Shoreline

Lake Michigan Shoreline
original art by Annie Russell

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Pumpkins and Soap and a Canning-- Fall is Coming!

Pine River Channel -Charlevoix,Mi

For two days now I've been unable to open the concessions due to strange weather- the clouds are gathering and zipping out at amazing speeds; the temperatures are dropping and then raising again 10's of degrees in a day. The fluctuations are making me antsy and anxious.. August this year has been very very active! 
  The forecast for the weekend is a very summery Sunny and low 80's so it looks like I can get back in there and make lunches for people-yay!
  I've taken advantage of the unforeseen time at home to get ALL of the laundry washed and folded. and the rugs vacuumed. Today I will get it put away and work on a Nola order for the afternoon..

Pond Hill Farm 

  I'm also going to get together the supplies to make an awesome fall soap and I'm super excited about this! Between no time and crazy humidity the environment this summer has not been conducive to soap-making at all! But the break in the weather and heat has me thinking all about fall...
Canning Pickles, Gathering Sweet Corn and Peaches and Tomatoes... Mmmm. 
But back to this soap!
Here is what I've found about pumpkin that makes it so fantastic for your skin:

 Rich in Vitamins
Pumpkin is excellent for use on all skin types, but especially if your skin is damaged from environmental conditions such as overexposure to the sun. Pumpkin is rich in vitamin A, which soothes and softens your skin, and vitamin C, an antioxidant that can help to remedy damage produced by free radicals, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Pumpkin facial masks, moisturizers and peels nourish your skin and promote the absorption of these nutrients.

Dissolves Dry Skin
Skin care products containing pumpkin such as exfoliators and moisturizers can be used on all skin types to help remove old surface skin cells and promote new cell production. Pumpkin contains natural enzymes that help to dissolve dry skin cells, according to skin care expert Sue Dolan in her book "Naturally Skinsational: Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes." Due to the high enzyme content, pumpkin foot care products are also very effective for hydrating, soothing and softening dry, cracked hands and feet. To make your own dry heel treatment, combine 2 tbsp. of pumpkin puree with 2 tbsp. of Vaseline. Apply nightly to your feet and put cotton socks on for a deep moisturizing treatment.

If you suffer from acne, blemishes or frequent breakouts, your skin will benefit from pumpkin anti-acne products. Pumpkin contains the acne fighting vitamins E and T, more commonly known as torulitine. Pumpkin skin toners, peels and anti-acne masks promote healthier skin by fighting inflammation, reducing pore size, controlling excess oil and preventing the appearance of pimples, blackheads and blemishes. Try rubbing the fleshy side of a piece of fresh pumpkin on your face twice a day after washing for a natural blemish-fighting toner.

Sounds fabulous, no? I'm thinking I will pour two sizes- a body bar and a facial bar. The body bar may have a natural exfoliate added as well like ground walnut shells or corn meal.. not sure on that just yet.

Adding to my Autumn state of mind is that the plans and preparations for our month in New Orleans are really gathering speed now. I will be flying out at the end of October to attend the New Orleans Witches Ball as a Card Reader and will be staying near City Park in a house I've rented before. A good friend of mine from high school will be flying in from Orlando to hang out with me and go to the Ball as well. She leaves the 2nd and then I scoot downtown to a fabulous friend's house to stay the night before I meet the guys at 'our' house across the street from her on the 3rd. So there is ball attire to complete, mini witches bottle necklaces to create for the gift bags compliments of my company Persephone's Folly, parading attire to complete for a cool parade on the 7th and doll orders to complete before I leave! 
But for now it is still summer here in the North- albeit the tail end of it. There are still warm days left and still happy beach-goers looking for sandwiches and salads. There are still flowers in the gardens and green in the fields. And I'm grateful for it all.

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