Lake Michigan Shoreline

Lake Michigan Shoreline
original art by Annie Russell

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Its March-again....

Full Moon Lake-shore. Acrylic on canvas

Hello and welcome back! Looking back through my blog posts I'm seeing a pretty obvious pattern: I come out of blogging hibernation in March every year. I had no idea until now, but-hey! Cycles are OK, so here I am again - thanks for reading :-)

  This blog is now connected to the Fine Art website- ANNIE RUSSELL FINE ART. Its a gallery-style website showcasing recent or favorite works and will also list show places and times as they become available.
 Speaking of shows :-) ... I'm feeling that its time to wander back into the art show circuit. I haven't done it in years due to other business demands, kids, family, etc. but I'm ready again. I will be applying to 3 this year - one in Alabama, one in Florida, and one in Louisiana - with the hope of being accepted into at least 1 of them. The restaurant is still going strong at the beach in the summer and into the early fall so art shows will need to be confined to the winter and early spring months. Its also a wonderful way to wander south for a bit and escape the cold and gray of the Northern Michigan winters.
  I've been pleased with the works I've produced in the last 18 months or so but feel that the color pallets and style might be better received for purchase outside of Northern Michigan. I do not have a 'typical northern Michigan' style and - quite frankly- I'm OK with that. I've worked for over 30 years to develop my own style (always learning and refining, of course!) but I would really like to start seeing more purchases. Not only is it a lovely feeling to know that something I created has been 'adopted' but I like to pay my electric bill too! The whole 'starving artist' bit gets a little tiresome after awhile... The funny thing about being an Artist, though, is that selling or not- I can't NOT- paint. I've always created and I will continue to create but sold pieces mean more room to create more works--its a win/win scenario.

 Below are some pieces I've done since last checking in with you all -

Cherry Orchard-private collection
Submitted to Mackinac Island Lilac Festival Poster Contest

Pictured Rocks
Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Bar - donated to charity auction
Seat With A View 
Mardi Gras Magnolia

   There are a few others that can be seen on etsy or the new website and as always - you can follow along with me on the Northern Visions Face Book Page HERE.

  This has been a year of tremendous change for myself and my family - some good, some very sad and some chalked up to 'live and learn'. But in the wake of that Jack and I have decided that we have gotten slightly off-track and its time to gather together WHO WE ARE and simplify our lives again. A big part of that for me is to remember that I create- its who I am and what I do. 
 Thanks for being a part of that...

Until next time... 

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